Seminario di Calcolo delle Variazioni & Equazioni alle Derivate Parziali

I seminari si tengono di norma di venerdì alle ore 14:30 nella Sala Conferenze "Franco Tricerri" del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini" (Viale Morgagni 67/A).
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A.A. 2015 / 2016

16 dicembre 2016

ore 12:00

Lorenzo Brasco (Università di Ferrara)
A p-Laplacian operator with orthotropic structure

13 maggio 2016

ore 14:30

Giovanni Cupini (Università di Bologna)
Un problema inverso della Teoria del Potenziale

Abstract: Un corpo omogeneo D genera lo stesso potenziale gravitazionale di una massa concentrata in un punto x di D se e solo se D è una palla euclidea centrata in x. L'implicazione da destra a sinistra è conseguenza della proprietà di media per funzioni armoniche di Gauss. Il viceversa è un teorema di Aharonov, Schiffer e Zalcman. Nel corso del seminario si presentaranno generalizzazioni di quest'ultimo risultato a corpi non omogenei. I risultati sono stati ottenuti in collaborazione con E. Lanconelli (U. Bologna).

6 maggio 2016

ore 14:30

Luigi D'Onofrio (Università di Napoli Parthenope)
Legame tra la condizione di Lusin e Jacobiano distribuzionale
Raffaella Giova (Università di Napoli Parthenope)
Higher differentiability for solutions of elliptic systems with Sobolev coefficients
Antonia Passarelli Di Napoli (Università di Napoli)
Alcuni risultati di regolarità per minimi di funzionali asintoticamente convessi con coefficienti discontinui

Abstract D'Onofrio: In questo seminario presento un risultato ottenuto in collaborazione con S. Hencl, J. Maly e R. Schiattarella. Più precisamente sia $\Omega$ un sottoinsieme aperto di $R^n$ e sia $f$ una mappa continua in $W^{1,n-1}(\Omega, R^n)$ con Jacobiano in $L^1$, allora la N-condizione di Lusin implica l?uguaglianza tra lo jacobiano distribuzionale e quello puntuale.

Abstract Giova: Abstract

Abstract Passarelli: Abstract

22 aprile 2016

ore 14:30

Bernard Dacorogna (EPFL Lousanne)
Symplectic decomposition, Darboux theorem and ellipticity

Abstract: Abstract

15 aprile 2016

ore 14:30 e 15:30

Carlo Nitsch (Università di Napoli)
Rottura di simmetria in un problema di isolamento termico
Cristina Trombetti (Università di Napoli)
Sul problema di Neumann per l'infinito Laplaciano

Abstract Nitsch: Considereremo il problema di massimizzare l'isolamento termico di un assegnato dominio $\Omega$ avendo a disposizione una massa assegnata di isolante da disporre lungo la sua frontiera. In particolare il comportamento a lungo termine della temperatura è legato ad un problema agli autovalori di un operatore differenziale. Sorprendentemente il problema presenta una rottura di simmetria nel senso che, nel caso in cui $\Omega$ sia una palla e la quantità di isolante a disposizione è sotto una certa soglia, la disposizione migliore non è quella simmetrica.

Abstract Trombetti: La prima autofunzione non banale del p-Laplaciano con condizioni di Neumann converge, per $p$ che tende a infinito, ad una soluzione viscosa di un problema agli autovalori per l'infinito Laplaciano. Il problema vero è dimostrare che il primo autovalore non banale del p-Laplaciano converge al primo autovalore non banale del problema limite. Ricaveremo quindi alcune conseguenze che corrispondono all'analogo non lineare di disuguaglianze note per il caso p=2.

8 aprile 2016

ore 14:30

Serena Guarino Lo Bianco (Università di Pisa)
Estimates for anisotropic torsion and principal frequency.

Abstract: We discuss some upper and lower bounds for the h-anisotropic torsional rigidity and the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian for convex domains in terms of the volume and a suitable concept of the anisotropic inradius. These estimates generalizing the known ones in the linear case, involving the volume and inradius.

1 aprile 2016

ore 14:30 e 15:00

Diego Berti (14h30) (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of certain boundary problems for the normalized p-Laplacian
Giorgio Poggesi (15h00) (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
On the stability for Alexandrov's Soap Bubble theorem

Abstract Berti: We consider two kinds of constant data boundary problems related to the normalized p-Laplacian: the parabolic one with initial zero data and a family of elliptic equations depending on one parameter. We want to relate the behaviour of the solutions (for small time in the parabolic case and for small values of the parameter in the elliptic case) to the distance to the boundary. The results come from a joint work with Rolando Magnanini (Università di Firenze).

Abstract Poggesi: Alexandrov's Soap Bubble theorem states that a (connected) compact hypersurface embedded in R^N with constant mean curvature must be a sphere. My talk is about the problem of the stability for this celebrated result. The question is: how much a hypersurface is near to be a sphere if its mean curvature is near to be constant in some norm? This is a joint work with Rolando Magnanini (Università di Firenze).

11 marzo 2016

ore 14:30

Schwarzacher Sebastian (Charles University of Prague)
Very weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic systems

I will present a new result which was established in collaboration with M. Bulicek and L. Diening. We established existence, uniqueness and optimal regularity results for very weak solutions to certain nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems. We introduce structural asymptotic assumptions of Uhlenbeck type on the nonlinearity, which are suffcient and in many cases also necessary for building such a theory. We provide a unified approach that leads qualitatively to the same theory as the one available for linear elliptic problems with continuous coefficients, e.g. the Poisson equation. Key novelties to be presented are local and global estimates for (non)linear elliptic systems in weighted Lebesgue spaces with Muckenhoupt weights, a generalization of the div-curl lemma for identification of a weak limit in borderline spaces and a Lipschitz approximation that is stable in weighted Sobolev spaces. Finally, an outlook on possible extensions of the theory will be given.

4 marzo 2016

ore 14:30

Emanuele Spadaro (Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig)
Global solutions to the volume-preserving mean curvature flow

Abstract: The volume-preserving mean curvature flow is the geometric evolution equation of the boundary of a set in the Euclidean space which decreases the boundary measure as fast as possible, while keeping the volume of the set constant. As it is well-known, this geometric flow produces singularity in finite time, thus leading to the need of weak global in time solutions. In this talk I will discuss some recent results on a weak formulation of the volume-preserving mean curvature flow, producing both the so called flat flows (after the works of Almgren-Taylor-Wang and Luckhaus-Sturzenhecker) and distributional solutions (under a suitable conditional assumption). This is a joint work with L. Mugnai and Ch. Seis (Uni Bonn).

26 febbraio 2016

ore 14:30 e 15:30

14h30: Judit Abardia, Goethe Universitaet (Francoforte)
The role of the Rogers-Shephard inequality in the characterization of the difference body
15h30: Carmen Nunez (Universidad de Valladolid)
Willems dissipativity in nonautonomous linear-quadratic control processes

Abstract Abardia: The difference body operator enjoys different characterization results relying on its basic properties such as continuity, additivity, SL(n)-covariance, Minkowksi valuation, symmetric image, etc. The Rogers-Shephard and a Brunn-Minkowksi inequality are also among the properties satisfied by the difference body. In this talk we will discuss the role of both inequalities in characterizing the difference body operator. For instance, we will prove that it is the only operator from the space of convex bodies to the origin-symmetric ones which is continuous, GL(n)-covariant and satisfies a Rogers-Shephard inequality. This is a joint work with Eugenia Saorín Gómez.

Abstract Nunez: Abstract

19 febbraio 2016

ore 14:30

Ioku Norisuke (Ehime University)
Existence and nonexistence of solutions for a heat equation with a superlinear source term

We consider a heat equation with a superlinear source term. We are interested in the case that the initial data is unbounded function, and investigate local in time existence, nonexistence of solutions for the Cauchy problem with general nonlinearity. In particular, we reveal the threshold integrability of the initial data to classify existence and nonexistence of solutions for the Cauchy problem without any assumption on the growth rate of the nonlinear term. This is a joint work with Professor Yohei Fujishima (Shizuoka University).

12 febbraio 2016

ore 14:30

Vincenzo Ferone (Università di Napoli)
Su una diseguaglianza di Pólya-Szego per rigidità torsionale e primo autovalore del Laplaciano

Una diseguaglianza di Pólya-Szego stabilisce una stima dall'alto per il prodotto tra la rigidità torsionale e il primo autovalore del laplaciano (con condizioni di Dirichlet) in un dominio di fissata misura. Si discutono l'ottimalità della costante che appare nella diseguaglianza e la possibilità di individuare classi di insiemi per i quali tale costante può essere migliorata.

5 febbraio 2016

ore 14:30 e 15:30

14h30: Luis Escauriaza (Universidad del Paìs Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Observability inequalities and measurable sets
15h30: Tatsuki Kawakami (Osaka Prefecture University)
Existence of mild solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with critical fractional viscosity in the Besov spaces

Abstract Escauriaza: The control for evolution equations aims to drive the solution to a prescribed state starting from a certain initial condition. One acts on the equation through a source term, a so-called distributed control or through a boundary condition. To achieve general results one wishes to have as much latitude as possible in the choice of the control regions: location, size, shape. In the lecture, I explain how to derive the interior and boundary null-controllability of the heat equation with controls acting over measurable sets.

Abstract Kawakami: We consider the Cauchy problem for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with critical dissipation. We show that for sufficiently small initial data, there exists a global-in-time mild solution. Furthermore, we prove that the solution behaves asymptotically like suitable multiplies of the Poisson kernel. This talk is based on a joint work with Tsukasa Iwabuchi (Osaka city University, Japan).

29 gennaio 2016

ore 14:30

Jan Kristensen (University of Oxford)
Morse-Sard type theorems for Sobolev mappings

Abstract: The Morse-Sard theorem, and the generalizations by Dubovitski\u{\i} and Federer, have numerous applications and belong to the core results of multivariate calculus for smooth mappings. In this talk we discuss extensions of these results to suitable classes of Sobolev mappings. The potential lack of differentiability of these mappings warrants new interpretations, and requires one to prove that the Sobolev mappings enjoy Luzin N type properties with respect to lower dimensional Hausdorff contents. The talk is based on joint work with Jean Bourgain (Princeton) and Mikhail Korobkov (Novosibirsk).

15 gennaio 2016

ore 14:30

Galyna Livshyts (Georgia Institute of Technology)
On the marginal of product densities

Abstract: It was shown by Keith Ball that the maximal section of an n-dimensional cube is \sqrt{2}. We show the analogous sharp bound for a maximal marginal of a product measure with bounded density. We also show an optimal bound for all k-codimensional marginals in this setting, conjectured by Rudelson and Vershynin. This talk is based on the joint work with G. Paouris and P. Pivovarov.

11 dicembre

ore 14:30

Roberta Fabbri (Università di Firenze)
Rotation number and exponential dichotomy for linear nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems

In this talk the rotation number for a family of linear nonautonomous Hamiltonian and its relation with the exponential dichotomy concept will be discussed.. Applications to the spectral properties of the quasi-periodic Schrodinger equation and to some problems for nonautonomous linear control systems will be given.

04 dicembre

ore 14:30

Maria Stella Gelli (Università di Pisa)
Teoremi di semicontinuità e rilassamento per energie libere in problemi di capillarità

Partendo dal modello energetico proposto inizialmente da Gauss per lo studio delle superfici di equilibrio in problemi di capillarita' forniro' condizioni necessarie e sufficienti sulle densita' di energia di interfaccia e di wetting, rispettivamente, per avere semicontinuita' rispetto alla convergenza in misura di insiemi vincolati a stare dentro un apposito contenitore D, dove D e' un aperto con bordo Lipschitziano. Passando da un risultato di rappresentazione integrale per gli inviluppi semicontinui inferiormente di funzionali di superficie piu' generali dedurro' un teorema di rilassamento per i funzionali sopra nel caso in cui le condizioni necessarie e sufficienti siano violate.

27 novembre

ore 14:30

Jens Frehse (Istituto di Matematica Applicata, Università di Bonn)
Bellman systems with meanfield dependence-new problems for regularity theory for nonlinear parabolic PDEs

We consider time-dependent Bellman systems arising as necessary conditions for Nash-points of Vlasov-Mc-Kean-Functionals under Neumann-conditions. The pay off functions grow quadratically in the controls and may depend on the field variable ; any power of growth of the pay offs is allowed with respect to the field variable as long domination by sum coerciveness is possible. In this case we obtain global smooth solutions for smooth data . The analytical difficulty is mainly how to obtain a bound for the essential sup of approximations to the Bellman system. An unexpected rank condition is needed for the dynamics.
20 novembre

ore 14:30

Marco Vinicio Calahorrano Recalde (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito)

Si studierà un problema semilineare, dove la parte non lineare è discontinua e può cambiare di segno. È possibile provare sia l'esistenza che, sotto determinate ipotesi, la molteplicità di soluzioni, usando la teoria dei punti critici.

13 novembre

ore 14:30

Lenka Slavikova (Charles University, Praga)
On the necessity of bump conditions for the two-weighted maximal inequality

In the talk we discuss the necessity of bump conditions for the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator $M$ from $L^p(v)$ into $L^p(w)$, where $1

30 ottobre

ore 14:30

Alexandre S. Demidov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
An inverse problem of the equilibrium plasma in a tokamak and a corresponding extremal problem


16 ottobre

ore 14:30

Elvira Mascolo (Università di Firenze)
Regularity of solutions to quasilinear elliptic systems

We present some recent results on the regularity of weak solutions to quasilinear systems and/or local minimizers to vector-valued integral functionals. We consider systems and functionals under non standard p-q growth conditions. Moreover, in this context the existence of weak solutions is also examined.
18 settembre 2015

ore 14:30

Sergio Conti (Università di Bonn)

We consider vectorial variational problems of the form $E[u]=\int W(Du)dx$, typical for example of nonlinear elasticity and plasticity, which include constraints on the determinant. Specifically, the energy density $W$ is assumed to diverge outside of the set of matrices with positive determinant, or, alternatively, outside of the set of matrices with determinant equal 1. If $W$ is not quasiconvex then $E$ is not lower semicontinuous and does not, in general, have minimizers. Low-energy states can be studied via the relaxation of $E$. We discuss how, in some situations of physical interest, the relaxation of $E$ can be explicitly characterized in terms of the quasiconvex envelope of $W$. This talk is based on joint work with Georg Dolzmann (Regensburg).
Organizzatori: Chiara Bianchini, Matteo Focardi, Elvira Mascolo, Paolo Salani.
Seminari dell'a.a. 2014/15

Seminari dell'a.a. 2013/14

Seminari dell'a.a. 2011/12

Seminari dell'a.a. 2010/11

Seminari dell'a.a. 2009/10

Seminari dell'a.a. 2008/09

Seminari dell'a.a. 2007/08.

Seminari dell'a.a. 2006/07.