First session on “Cohomology and Characteristic Classes of (almost) complex manifolds”

The speakers for the first session, Cohomology and Characteristic Classes of (almost) complex manifolds, are


The schedule of the conference is the following:

  • Release of the videos: July 7th, 2020 – Taco Tuesday (YouTube)
  • Discussion: July 7th through July 21st, 2020 (Gitter)
  • Coffee break: July 21st, 2020, at 17:00 (CEST) (Zoom)

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Geometry and TACoS

The idea of “Geometry & TACoS” is to have regular mathematical conferences on specific themes, related, in a broad sense, to Geometry and Topology of (Almost) Complex Structures.

We are revamping the format of “Geometry & TACos” to be an online conference with synchronous talks held on Zoom!  This format will be effective starting with the eighth session on “Complex Geometric Flows”. There will be six speakers each giving a 45-minute talk. The conference will span three days with two talks per day. Following each talk, there will be a 15 minute Q&A.

Talks will be recorded and posted to the Youtube channel.