Event created by: Gianmarco Bet
- Title: Exclusion Processes with non-reversible boundary: Hydrodynamics and Large Deviations
- Speaker: João Pedro Mangi, IMPA, Brasile
- Location: Sala Conferenze F. Tricerri - DIMAI
- Date: Tuesday 19/11/2024, 11:00
- Subjects: [Probability]
- Committee: A. Agazzi (Pisa) G. Bet (Firenze) A. Caraceni (SNS) F. Grotto (Pisa) G. Zanco (Siena)
- Seminar tags: [SPASS seminar]
- Link to the Seminar: https://meet.google.com/gji-phwo-vbg
- Link to the Seminar description: https://sites.google.com/unipi.it/spass
- Abstract: